Quality and working environment certifications

Get a quality and work environment consultant on a subscription. It pays off!

Specialists in ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 45001

Does your company have control over your quality, customer and regulatory requirements, processes, costs and legislation?

Many companies want to differentiate themselves from their competitors through delivery security and high quality, but does it harmonize with the price the customer ultimately pays?

If you choose, or you may already have an ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Certification and perhaps also an ISO 45001 Work Environment Certification, the answer will be yes, as you achieve a uniform, high-quality delivery through certifications, as well as the possibility of reducing your operating costs, by focusing on objectives, customer retention, employee retention and development of your business.

We have specialists in ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 45001, quality management, development, maintenance and implementation of quality management systems, process development, process optimization, company safety and working environment!

How it works

We provide a professional consultant, with many years of experience in certifications, work environment, development and maintenance of quality management systems, process development, process optimization, reduction of injuries and sick leave and much more available for your company.

We review the company, prepare risk analyzes and identify needs for initiatives and processes.

We get to know your company culture and tailor a unique solution, only for you, which we, in collaboration with you, implement in your company.

We conduct internal audits and help you safely throughout the process, just as we are available with support and advice, both in the daily, but also at the annual external audits.

A Quality and Work Environment Consultant from Group Security creates security, ensures compliance with laws and requirements and is your personal sparring partner in everyday life!

Contact us today for a no-obligation quote.